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Glass Organisms by Mika Aoki

Glass Organisms by Mika Aoki

Sembrano stalattiti, le sculture in vetro di Mika Aoki. Sorgono all'interno di una vecchia automobile mangiata dalla ruggine. Sembra liquido "vomitato" da una bottiglia, quella serie di istallazioni chiamate semplicemente "bottle". Il vetro, materiale dall'affascinante contrapposizione solidità- fragilità, la cui trasparenza lo rende quasi invisibile, affascina lo scultore giapponese.

"In some cases, we cannot see if window glass is there or not. Unless light shines on it, we can’t confirm the existence of it because it is transparent. But once the light shines on it, glass truly emanates a special presence. Although it is solid and hard, it is quite easy to be broken. It connotes conflicting qualities: solidity and fragility. 

..."The interaction of light with this material reveals certain aspects of substance. We humans, with our limited imaginations and powers of recognition, call these aspectsâ?¨ “form” and ”color.”

L'organico e il fluido si mescolano, creando uno spettacolo assolutamente incredibile!


The glass sculptures of Mika Aoki look like stalactites. â?¨They are housed in an old car which is eaten by rust.â?¨They look like liquid "vomited" out of a bottle, that series of installations called simply "bottle".â?¨ The glass from the fascinating opposition strength-fragility, which makes it almost invisible transparency fascinates the Japanese sculptor. 

The organic and fluid are mixed, creating a spectacle absolutely amazing!