The holes in the streets become art
The artist uses flowers and the face of Trump to "plug the holes"
October 31st, 2018
The beauty will save the world. And it will do it thanks to street art. We remembered it yesterday talking about Hunting Pollution, Rome's eating-smog murals, or telling how the CIBO writer fights hatred and racism by designing pasta and desserts. A new metropolitan "hero" arrives from Chicago. His mission? Cover the potholes of American cities with beautiful mosaics. Jim Bachor, 54, a former graphic designer in the advertising sector, falls in love with ancient history when he goes to Europe for the first time at the end of the 1990s. He is fascinated by the mosaics of Ravenna and "If there is rubbish in the street, because do not make it a work of art?".
So, a few years ago, he began to dress as a worker and, becoming a "maintenance" road, to fill the craters in the asphalt with images made of glass, mortar and marble, showing at the beginning ironic subjects such as the numbering of holes or with the phone number of the nearest mechanic, then flowers, animals, junk food, fashion, famous people. "The holes are universal truths" - explained the man to The Post - "Nobody loves them, everyone hates them ... I think it's fun to enlighten someone's day in the most unexpected way". After improving Chicago, Bachor has just returned from a trip to New York where he installed five new mosaics, part of his Vermin of New York series: a dead rat, a pigeon, a cockroach, a portrait of Donald Trump and a deck of flowers. If elsewhere the cities he visited with his art were enthusiastic about his work, unfortunately the pieces located between Brooklyn and Manhattan were removed from the transport department a few days after their installation. Do not worry, Jim Bachor does not give up and is ready for the next adventure, you can follow him on his Instagram account @jimbachor.