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Edicola issue #6 is out now


Edicola issue #6 is out now #the(re)connection
Wither, Rita Lino

Wither, Rita Lino

Unknown, Manuele Geromini

Unknown, Manuele Geromini

Obsolere, Laura Villa Baroncelli

Obsolere, Laura Villa Baroncelli

Link-up, Petra Valenti

Link-up, Petra Valenti

Purim, Enrico Brunetti

Purim, Enrico Brunetti

In touch, Anticamera - Stefan Giffthaler

In touch, Anticamera - Stefan Giffthaler

After having brought you to the discovery of some of the most fascinating places on the planet and accompanying you to discover new emotions with its #5 issue dedicated to holidays, Edicola returns after the summer break with its issue #6: the(re)connection.

the (re)connection is an hymn to the return, the return home, the return to work, the return to origins.


the (re)connection is online now, find out more here.


Just leave me at the Beach, Willem Jesper

Just leave me at the Beach, Willem Jesper

Purim, Enrico Brunetti

Purim, Enrico Brunetti

Link-up, Petra Valenti

Link-up, Petra Valenti

Wither, Rita Lino

Wither, Rita Lino

In touch, Anticamera - Stefan Giffthaler

In touch, Anticamera - Stefan Giffthaler

Obsolere, Laura Villa Baroncelli

Obsolere, Laura Villa Baroncelli

Unknown, Manuele Geromini

Unknown, Manuele Geromini