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The Face of Lucie by Giovanni Fato

The birth of a bond through photography

The Face of Lucie by Giovanni Fato The birth of a bond through photography

Get lost in a Paris bar and be impressed by a face. Giovanni Fato is fascinated by Lucie and makes her the protagonist of his work for the fourth issue of Edicola, the face.

Lucie tells this meeting. Lucie is a photojournalist on the birth of a bond. Lucie is now on Edicola.


"I was in a bar in Paris and through a common friend I met Lucie who was celebrating her birthday. After an indefinite number of beers while talking to Lucie, I started imaging her dressed as a cowgirl so I proposed her to shoot for Edicola wearing classic camperos boots I always carry with me when I travel.

The next day, Lucie was very shy and I think she smoked a whole pack of cigarettes while we talked.  She was very excited about the job... less of her hangover".