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The disturbed daily life of Andrea Aggradi in The Relations

T.O.C. It is the photographic project curated by Andrea Gandini and presented on Edicola latest issue

The disturbed daily life of Andrea Aggradi in The Relations T.O.C. It is the photographic project curated  by Andrea Gandini and presented on Edicola latest issue

Andrea Aggradi, always attracted by a realistic and crude language, focuses its work on the repetitive components of his daily life. The images taken with the mobile phone are for the author a way to remember to have done few simple daily actions, by checking a posteriori, of having emptied the ashtray, closed gas and water taps and double-locked the door before to leave the house.

T.O.C. is a passing glimpse into his daily life, a kaleidoscopic representation of intimacy disturbed. Andrea refuses any identification with the role of "artist" and these images have an indelible memory function.

There are not photographs, but images. Notes. Clipboard.

We interviewed him on the occasion of his photographic project T.O.C. edited by Andrea Gandini, exposed on Edicolas second issue, The Relations.

#1 What is the first image that comes to mind when you hear the word "relationship"?


#2 How would you define the relationship between creativity and web?

The speed, in general, can leave little time to process, integrate and understand the information. For a person as I am, is easier to get to read a magazine like yours thanks to the web. But I'm 46 and basically use the web like I use television. Passively.

#3 Is there something really yours in this project?

If the project T.O.C., in fact, I actually stripped in front of an audience. But nothing has changed compared to my everyday life. My day is punctuated by these rituals. I've never hidden that. For those who know me, it was not a surprise. It's an evidence. It's me.