A journey into the mind of Alessandro Furchino Capria with The Relations
Mr Captain is online for the second issue of Edicola
April 4th, 2017
On the occasion of the release of the second issue of Edicola, The Relations, we interviewed its protagonists.
#1 What's the first image that comes to mind when you hear the word "relationship"?
Les Amants by Magritte.
Alessandro Furchino Capria with Mr. Captain transports us in his personal history. This photo project is presented as a real journey, a line drawn in the artist's career and the events that have formed him. Through his works, Alessandro expresses feelings and visions with freedom, without the fear of repercussions because being an artist means being free from constraints and socially imposed taboo.
Alessandro and his work are like Magritte's Les Amants, involved in a passionate affair but gentle, always defined by a veil that covers them but comforted by the constant certainty that it is really worth.
# 2 How would you define the relationship between creativity and web?
Somehow I think this continuous stream of content over-expose us and that, as it happens in photography overlapping too much, you risk to burn the highlights and losing the reading of the same.
# 3 Paper vs digital ...
I learned that everyone is able to have its own path and that one thought only often do not lead anywhere. The web is inevitably an indispensable tool of great help for those who want to take a course like this. I think you can be and do what you like and, more than ever, we have the ability to choose between different media.
Discover Mr Captain by Alessandro Furchino Capria on Edicola.